Some of the Parts
Play Analysis You Can Count On!
with Derek Kolluri and Jeremy Lee Cudd
Some of the Parts
Introductions and Organization
Jeremy Lee Cudd
Season 1
Episode 0
Co-hosts: Derek Kolluri and Jeremy Lee Cudd
Episode 0 introduces some concepts and organization for how we will approach and shape our future play discussions.
- Origin, Provenance
- Ingredients, Casting, Setting, Notes, Quotes, Hints, Biography, and other Context Clues
- Structural Overview
- Summary - Dramatic Actions, Digesting the Story through close readings and distillation
- Synthesis Discussion - Locating the Spine and Building out from it - Story Beats, Dramatic Action/Question, Themes, POV of the Storyteller, Personal POV on the Text, Dialogue with the Zeitgeist
- Moment-to-Moment Breakdown of an Example Scene - zooming to the Actor Beat level, building to the Story Beat, while referencing the relationship to the overall structural thrust
Shoutout to Jim Wise for "Telegrams to the Audience."
Our first cluster of episodes will be dedicated to GLORIA by Branden Jacobs-Jenkins.